Environment Day

World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and participation at Chembur English High School. The event aimed to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices among the students. Various activities were organized throughout the week to engage the students.

The first day started with a poster making competition on the theme of environmental conservation and sustainability.

Another highlight was the ‘Best Out of Waste’ competition where participants created decorative pots and art pieces using recycled materials.

Animal face mask making with used paper plates was also conducted to sensitise the students on the effects of deforestation.

A Skit called ‘Guardians of the Planet’ was enacted to create awareness on reducing single use plastic.

Students were educated about the significance of waste segregation into dry and wet categories. Practical demonstrations and interactive sessions helped in understanding the impact of proper waste management on the environment.

A walkathon was organized in the vicinity of the school to create awareness about deforestation and its consequences on animal habitats. Students walked while holding banners, animal face masks and poster made by them with messages advocating for forest conservation and protection of wildlife.

Through these activities, students gained valuable insights into environmental conservation and pledged to incorporate sustainable practices into their daily lives. The event served as a reminder that small actions can make a big difference in preserving our environment and protecting biodiversity.

World Environment Day 2021-22

Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur English High School in collaboration with Soroptimist Welfare Association (SIBC) came together to celebrate World Environment Day 2021.

Every year we celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June to raise global awareness to take positive environment action to protect nature and the planet earth. The day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigour.

As we all know due to this pandemic, all our lives have come to a halt. But this hasn’t deterred us from continuing in our commitment in promoting environmental awareness. Everyone was very spirited and motivated in protecting our mother nature. The highlight of the day’s celebration was the inspirational video created by our students. This video was conceptualized, scripted and edited by the students. The skit displayed mainly stressed on the need to protect and preserve nature. The students also threw light on the importance of ‘Going Green’ and preserving our environment. It captivated and stimulated everyone to preserve our nature for future generations.

Our Principal Mrs. Preeti Pawar advised the students to protect and nurture the Environment with a quote “Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future”.

World Environment Week 2020-21

Mahatma Education Society’s Chembur English High school in collaboration with soroptimist welfare association (SIBC) organised various online activities to mark the world environment day.

The children were sensitized towards the environment through various activities spanning the week where students showcased their creativity. students made posters, useful items out of Waste, participated in online quiz competition, elocution and collage making.

Following activities were conducted online at CEHS :

  1. Let’s Nurture the Nature: Conservation of environment is as important at the social level as it is at personal level. CEHS took an initiative to save the environment and thereby the human existence by asking the students to click a photograph with their pet plant and write how they take care of that plant. Students took part enthusiastically and showcased their love for plants.
  2. Boundless Imagination: Poster making competition. Students shared their posters with slogans and pictures related to conservation of environment. They expressed their love for nature by participating in a large number
  3. Grill-Drill: Online Quiz competition was organised to enhance and add on the knowledge of the students relating to conservation of environment. Students were excited and participated enthusiastically in the competition.
  4. Regard before you Discard: Best out of Waste competition. Best out of Waste is one such craft which follows environment friendly principles and at the same time creates useful objects out of Waste products. In order to make children aware of uses of waste materials and give them a lesson on 3 R’s- Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, this competition was organised. Students came in a creative burst of energy, mind-blowing, fabulous ideas were demonstrated. They prepared very creative and innovative models and art items from different waste materials.
  5. Thought into Action: Elocution is the art of conveying clear and expressive message to the people. Participating in elocution imbues a student with confidence.With this vision an online English elocution competition was Conducted. The topic was “Corona virus pandemic, a boon to nature and biodiversity.”
    All the participants performed exceptionally well. The competition gave a lot of encouragement and confidence to the performers and at the same time, they expressed their views vividly.
  6. Catchphrase Collage: Collage making. The objective of collage making was to make younger generation more sensitive towards environment protection. It motivated the students to contribute towards protection of environment. It was a group activity in which the students through slogans gave the message to keep our surroundings clean and save the planet earth.

It is said that creativity is intelligence, having fun and it is the way to share one’s soul with the world, this thought was exponentially showcased during the activities throughout the week.

It was an amazing and energetic week of celebration where students enjoyed and learnt to conserve our nature.

World Environment Day 2019-20

World Environment Day 2018-19

Environment Day 2016-17

Environment day celebrartion conducted at C.E.H.S. in association with SIBC.